Replica: LV Neverfull
I got this because I can't help but to fall in love with the design. This pretty sturdy bag is made of smooth material on the outside and cloth material for the lining inside. You can pretty much stuff anything inside thus making it a very versatile bag. Want to use it as shopping bag/beach bag/travel bag? You can! The earth tone colors make it easier for you to match with your outfits. The long straps makes it comfortable for you to use it as a shoulder bag.
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Strap. Defect: the inside part of the strap is a little bit stained.
The gold colour is a bit rusty due to it being oxidized. Can be repaint with gold nail polish! ;)
Although this is a medium-sized bag, the compartment is still spacious!
The D-ring for you to hang your keys/coin pouch + zipper compartment.